With our powerful loyalty system you can monitor your customer’s buying habits and personalise offers and promotions to each customer. If customers haven’t returned in a while, send them a special offer to encourage them to visit again. Add a points system or restricted members only deals to keep the customers coming back again and again.
The advancement of POS systems has allowed businesses to not only use loyalty cards - owners can now monitor their customer’s purchasing behaviour so that they can better personalise their offerings to their customers and help to create more intelligent promotional and advertising strategies. Stuart McLean, chief executive officer at Zonal, argues the potential benefits that an EPOS system can bring to improving business performance:
“Knowledge is power. When used to its full potential EPOS can provide operators with a huge amount of data, insight and solutions that can drive sales and enhance the customer experience”
Stuart McLean
Here are some of the outstanding features that a modern EPOS system can offer you:
Talk to a member of our team today to see how an Infinity EPOS system can help you with customer loyalty!
0800 644 6664 - sales@infinityepos.com
Perfect for any customer loyalty scheme!
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