Takeaway EPOS Software
For a busy take away restaurant your choice of EPOS software is is the most vital, integral part of an EPOS system and will ultimately help you to run your business more effectively. It is for this reason that you should make sure to choose a software that suits your business requirements realistically - if a takeaway restaurant chooses a software that is primarily designed for retail, there will be confusion and wasted money invested in a system that is drastically overpowered for the task at hand.
Similarly, make sure you consider what software features would make a difference to your business - Caller ID, postcode database, stock control and login features are essential for a busy takeaway establishment, so why not factor it into the original quote instead of tacking on items for months afterward?
We’d recommend: Infinity EPOS Software

Second Screen Display
A second screen with your EPOS system is an excellent way to display orders and promotional offers whilst customers are in purchasing mode, and can also be used to advertise upcoming events and attractions, through internal purposes and third party interests. An advertising tool within a busy hospitality environment can very often prove a useful and worthwhile investment for businesses.
We’d recommend: P2C 15" Second Screen
Kitchen Printer
Hospitality establishments who offer a food menu would need a kitchen printer that offers a rapid, accurate print which will save time in a rapid service environment, with robust and water-resistant qualities so that it can withstand the heat and prep in the kitchen.
We’d recommend: Sewoo LK-T32EB Ethernet thermal kitchen printer
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